Friday, January 31, 2014

30 in 30

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year is to Plan and Enjoy
 "30 celebrations of my 30th Wedding Anniversary"
The actual date falls at the end of this year
which gives me plenty of PARTY time.
 So far I have:
1. Enjoyed a Winter Wonderland trip to Wyoming with my whole family (all 10 of us.)
2. Had a WILD time (in 3D) at the city planetarium with the same 10 great people.
3.  ......and today I just finished attending the temple 30 times in 30 days.-----I started on January 2nd and attended every day that the temple was open. Twice a week I went twice in one day to make up for the 2 days a week that the temple is closed. I got this idea from the 90 meetings in 90 days program that is recommended to help addicts jumpstart and maintain their sobriety. ----I needed a jump start to some stability.
It was something that I could control.
It was nice.
Most every visit Heavenly Father gave me a crumb of personal revelation and hope to savour.
I also dropped a "thank you" note in the prayer roll box to thank Him for my many blessings....on every visit. :)

Now I have 27 more celebrations to plan and enjoy....Maybe one of them will be graduating from the LifeSTAR Addiction Program with my husband (Is there a graduation??). One will be sending 2 of our kids out into foreign lands as missionaries.
But the celebration I hope for most of all would be to have my husband healed and whole and living back home with me again. This is not something that I have any control over but that is not going to stop me from planning for it and hoping for it....until then, I can still have fun celebrating my anniversary.....even if sometimes I am partying all by myself. :)


  1. How is no one commenting on this! What a wonderful example to focus on the things that you can control amidst a very difficult trial. Rose

  2. Happy I found this blog. Really nice writing

  3. Thank You Daisy. Your blog has given me such a glimmer of Hope! I love your idea for the Thirties.
