Our Story

       Rose and I are blood sisters but joke that we have different parents as we were born 17 years apart...My parents were young, strict and made me work hard. Her parents were older, tired and counted music practice as work. :)  We both have a passion in the fight against pornography. Here are our stories:                                                              

Daisy's Story

It was a Science 101 class where I first saw my husband. For me, it was love at first sight and every moment with him was magic. We dated for 2 years and then married in the LDS temple. That was more than 31 years ago.
We didn't live happily ever after.
What I didn't know at the time was that I married a practicing lust addict.
After having my first baby, an expensive phone bill arrived in the mail. All the calls took place when I was out of town. These calls were not to friends and family! This was the first time that I realized that there was a problem. It was a beginning of a cycle of me discovering evidence of his double life, and then both of us doing therapy until he said he was healed at which point I would jump back in with both feet...until I discovered evidence again.....

We are taught to forgive 70 X's 7 and to put 150% into our marriages and that ALL marriages are hard so I thought that all that I was going through was normal...and that I could do hard things. The hard things kept getting harder, the discoveries kept getting grosser---
My husband has never confessed anything on his own. Every time I discovered something new, all the old sins and pain that I had forgiven and had mostly forgotten would pile back onto my heart.
I finally hit my pain threshold one day in October of 2013 after I discovered more secrets and lies. The pain was too heavy for anyone to carry.
So I asked my husband to move out and I took back my heart.---I couldn't trust him with it any longer. Not only was my heart in pain at this point but my physical and emotional heath almost collapsed.
With the help of a doctor, a bishop, Life Star, a psychotherapist, setting boundaries, yoga, good communication and time I am now back on my feet. I am finally strong enough to draw a line in the dung--My boundaries are employed.

My past is not going to be my future.

Living alone, my husband hit bottom too...so months later I asked him to move back home. ....but I didn't invite the Practicing Lust Addict side of him back. My husband has been working really hard on his recovery now for 3 years. He has been attending SA meetings every week, has a sponsor he meets with weekly and goes to therapy. Some may think I'm crazy for not giving up on this marriage but I still feel like this marriage was meant to be. It has been a hard journey together but the sweet is amazing right now.

I have hope that my husband will continue to recover, but if not, I am 100% sure that I am going to be OK. My happiness and health are no longer attached to how my husband is doing. This has been a long path for me to get here but I really like who I have become through this process of recovery. This is my story.

Rose's Story

        I also fell in love with someone addicted to pornography.  I broke up with him as soon as I found out, but kept in touch with him for a while, wanting to give him a chance if he could develop a more pure heart.  During that time, I met a wonderful man who I think is like Moroni.   I married him and I love him with all my heart.  Because of my traumatic past relationship and the affect porn has had on my sister's life, I have a passion for the fight against pornography, objectification, and body shame.
       Post note from Daisy: What Rose didn't say is that she didn't find her prince until she was 32 years old. She is so beautiful, kind, funny and talented. She went on 100 blind dates with a smile on her face. She is an example of a person who finds joy in each day and has a strong desire to seek for and follow God's will for her even when it's hard.  I really admire her.


  1. Thanks for speaking out for healthy sexuality.

  2. Love love LOVE your stories. This is the best "About Me" section I've seen on a recovery blog in a long time. Love to both you gals. You are brave and strong and amazing! xoxo
